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Index » tavernerPOS : Blob e90de6 / src / com / floreantpos / model / base / BaseTicket.java
package com.floreantpos.model.base;

import java.io.Serializable;

import com.floreantpos.main.Application;

 * This is an object that contains data related to the TICKET table.
 * Do not modify this class because it will be overwritten if the configuration file
 * related to this class is modified.
 * @hibernate.class
 *  table="TICKET"

public abstract class BaseTicket  implements Comparable, Serializable {

	public static String REF = "Ticket"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_RE_OPENED = "reOpened"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_VOID_REASON = "voidReason"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_DUE_AMOUNT = "dueAmount"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT = "discountAmount"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_CREATE_DATE = "createDate"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_DELIVERY_CHARGE = "deliveryCharge"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_NUMBER_OF_GUESTS = "numberOfGuests"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_PAID = "paid"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_ADVANCE_AMOUNT = "advanceAmount"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_ACTIVE_DATE = "activeDate"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_ASSIGNED_DRIVER = "assignedDriver"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_CREATION_HOUR = "creationHour"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_CUSTOMER_WILL_PICKUP = "customerWillPickup"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_DRAWER_RESETTED = "drawerResetted"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_OWNER = "owner"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_DELIVERY_DATE = "deliveryDate"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_GRATUITY = "gratuity"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_TERMINAL = "terminal"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_CLOSED = "closed"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_CLOSING_DATE = "closingDate"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_DELIVERY_ADDRESS = "deliveryAddress"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_SHIFT = "shift"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_TAX_AMOUNT = "taxAmount"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_REFUNDED = "refunded"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_STATUS = "status"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_SUBTOTAL_AMOUNT = "subtotalAmount"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_VOIDED_BY = "voidedBy"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_TICKET_TYPE = "ticketType"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_TAX_EXEMPT = "taxExempt"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_ID = "id"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_WASTED = "wasted"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_VOIDED = "voided"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_TOTAL_AMOUNT = "totalAmount"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_PAID_AMOUNT = "paidAmount"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_EXTRA_DELIVERY_INFO = "extraDeliveryInfo"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static String PROP_SERVICE_CHARGE = "serviceCharge"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	// constructors
	public BaseTicket () {

	 * Constructor for primary key
	public BaseTicket (java.lang.Integer id) {

	protected void initialize () {}

	private int hashCode = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

	// primary key
	private java.lang.Integer id;

	// fields
		protected java.util.Date createDate;
		protected java.util.Date closingDate;
		protected java.util.Date activeDate;
		protected java.util.Date deliveryDate;
		protected java.lang.Integer creationHour;
		protected java.lang.Boolean paid;
		protected java.lang.Boolean voided;
		protected java.lang.String voidReason;
		protected java.lang.Boolean wasted;
		protected java.lang.Boolean refunded;
		protected java.lang.Boolean closed;
		protected java.lang.Boolean drawerResetted;
		protected java.lang.Double subtotalAmount;
		protected java.lang.Double discountAmount;
		protected java.lang.Double taxAmount;
		protected java.lang.Double totalAmount;
		protected java.lang.Double paidAmount;
		protected java.lang.Double dueAmount;
		protected java.lang.Double advanceAmount;
		protected java.lang.Integer numberOfGuests;
		protected java.lang.String status;
		protected java.lang.Boolean taxExempt;
		protected java.lang.Boolean reOpened;
		protected java.lang.Double serviceCharge;
		protected java.lang.Double deliveryCharge;
		protected java.lang.String deliveryAddress;
		protected java.lang.Boolean customerWillPickup;
		protected java.lang.String extraDeliveryInfo;
		protected java.lang.String ticketType;

	// many to one
	private com.floreantpos.model.Shift shift;
	private com.floreantpos.model.User owner;
	private com.floreantpos.model.User assignedDriver;
	private com.floreantpos.model.Gratuity gratuity;
	private com.floreantpos.model.User voidedBy;
	private com.floreantpos.model.Terminal terminal;

	// collections
	private java.util.Map<String, String> properties;
	private java.util.List<com.floreantpos.model.TicketItem> ticketItems;
	private java.util.List<com.floreantpos.model.TicketCouponAndDiscount> couponAndDiscounts;
	private java.util.Set<com.floreantpos.model.PosTransaction> transactions;
	private java.util.List<Integer> tableNumbers;

	 * Return the unique identifier of this class
     * @hibernate.id
     *  generator-class="identity"
     *  column="ID"
	public java.lang.Integer getId () {
		return id;

	 * Set the unique identifier of this class
	 * @param id the new ID
	public void setId (java.lang.Integer id) {
		this.id = id;
		this.hashCode = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: CREATE_DATE
	public java.util.Date getCreateDate () {
					return createDate;

	 * Set the value related to the column: CREATE_DATE
	 * @param createDate the CREATE_DATE value
	public void setCreateDate (java.util.Date createDate) {
		this.createDate = createDate;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: CLOSING_DATE
	public java.util.Date getClosingDate () {
					return closingDate;

	 * Set the value related to the column: CLOSING_DATE
	 * @param closingDate the CLOSING_DATE value
	public void setClosingDate (java.util.Date closingDate) {
		this.closingDate = closingDate;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: ACTIVE_DATE
	public java.util.Date getActiveDate () {
					return activeDate;

	 * Set the value related to the column: ACTIVE_DATE
	 * @param activeDate the ACTIVE_DATE value
	public void setActiveDate (java.util.Date activeDate) {
		this.activeDate = activeDate;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: DELIVEERY_DATE
	public java.util.Date getDeliveryDate () {
					return deliveryDate;

	 * Set the value related to the column: DELIVEERY_DATE
	 * @param deliveryDate the DELIVEERY_DATE value
	public void setDeliveryDate (java.util.Date deliveryDate) {
		this.deliveryDate = deliveryDate;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: CREATION_HOUR
	public java.lang.Integer getCreationHour () {
					return creationHour == null ? Integer.valueOf(0) : creationHour;

	 * Set the value related to the column: CREATION_HOUR
	 * @param creationHour the CREATION_HOUR value
	public void setCreationHour (java.lang.Integer creationHour) {
		this.creationHour = creationHour;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: PAID
	public java.lang.Boolean isPaid () {
								return paid == null ? Boolean.FALSE : paid;

	 * Set the value related to the column: PAID
	 * @param paid the PAID value
	public void setPaid (java.lang.Boolean paid) {
		this.paid = paid;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: VOIDED
	public java.lang.Boolean isVoided () {
								return voided == null ? Boolean.FALSE : voided;

	 * Set the value related to the column: VOIDED
	 * @param voided the VOIDED value
	public void setVoided (java.lang.Boolean voided) {
		this.voided = voided;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: VOID_REASON
	public java.lang.String getVoidReason () {
					return voidReason;

	 * Set the value related to the column: VOID_REASON
	 * @param voidReason the VOID_REASON value
	public void setVoidReason (java.lang.String voidReason) {
		this.voidReason = voidReason;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: WASTED
	public java.lang.Boolean isWasted () {
								return wasted == null ? Boolean.FALSE : wasted;

	 * Set the value related to the column: WASTED
	 * @param wasted the WASTED value
	public void setWasted (java.lang.Boolean wasted) {
		this.wasted = wasted;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: REFUNDED
	public java.lang.Boolean isRefunded () {
								return refunded == null ? Boolean.FALSE : refunded;

	 * Set the value related to the column: REFUNDED
	 * @param refunded the REFUNDED value
	public void setRefunded (java.lang.Boolean refunded) {
		this.refunded = refunded;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: SETTLED
	public java.lang.Boolean isClosed () {
								return closed == null ? Boolean.FALSE : closed;

	 * Set the value related to the column: SETTLED
	 * @param closed the SETTLED value
	public void setClosed (java.lang.Boolean closed) {
		this.closed = closed;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: DRAWER_RESETTED
	public java.lang.Boolean isDrawerResetted () {
								return drawerResetted == null ? Boolean.FALSE : drawerResetted;

	 * Set the value related to the column: DRAWER_RESETTED
	 * @param drawerResetted the DRAWER_RESETTED value
	public void setDrawerResetted (java.lang.Boolean drawerResetted) {
		this.drawerResetted = drawerResetted;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: SUB_TOTAL
	public java.lang.Double getSubtotalAmount () {
									return subtotalAmount == null ? Double.valueOf(0) : subtotalAmount;

	 * Set the value related to the column: SUB_TOTAL
	 * @param subtotalAmount the SUB_TOTAL value
	public void setSubtotalAmount (java.lang.Double subtotalAmount) {

			this.subtotalAmount = subtotalAmount;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: TOTAL_DISCOUNT
	public java.lang.Double getDiscountAmount () {
									return discountAmount == null ? Double.valueOf(0) : discountAmount;

	 * Set the value related to the column: TOTAL_DISCOUNT
	 * @param discountAmount the TOTAL_DISCOUNT value
	public void setDiscountAmount (java.lang.Double discountAmount) {
		this.discountAmount = discountAmount;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: TOTAL_TAX
	public java.lang.Double getTaxAmount () {
									return taxAmount == null ? Double.valueOf(0) : taxAmount;

	 * Set the value related to the column: TOTAL_TAX
	 * @param taxAmount the TOTAL_TAX value
	public void setTaxAmount (java.lang.Double taxAmount) {
		this.taxAmount = taxAmount;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: TOTAL_PRICE
	public java.lang.Double getTotalAmount () {
									return totalAmount == null ? Double.valueOf(0) : totalAmount;

	 * Set the value related to the column: TOTAL_PRICE
	 * @param totalAmount the TOTAL_PRICE value
	public void setTotalAmount (java.lang.Double totalAmount) {
		this.totalAmount = totalAmount;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: PAID_AMOUNT
	public java.lang.Double getPaidAmount () {
									return paidAmount == null ? Double.valueOf(0) : paidAmount;

	 * Set the value related to the column: PAID_AMOUNT
	 * @param paidAmount the PAID_AMOUNT value
	public void setPaidAmount (java.lang.Double paidAmount) {
		this.paidAmount = paidAmount;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: DUE_AMOUNT
	public java.lang.Double getDueAmount () {
									return dueAmount == null ? Double.valueOf(0) : dueAmount;

	 * Set the value related to the column: DUE_AMOUNT
	 * @param dueAmount the DUE_AMOUNT value
	public void setDueAmount (java.lang.Double dueAmount) {
		this.dueAmount = dueAmount;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: ADVANCE_AMOUNT
	public java.lang.Double getAdvanceAmount () {
									return advanceAmount == null ? Double.valueOf(0) : advanceAmount;

	 * Set the value related to the column: ADVANCE_AMOUNT
	 * @param advanceAmount the ADVANCE_AMOUNT value
	public void setAdvanceAmount (java.lang.Double advanceAmount) {
		this.advanceAmount = advanceAmount;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: NUMBER_OF_GUESTS
	public java.lang.Integer getNumberOfGuests () {
					return numberOfGuests == null ? Integer.valueOf(0) : numberOfGuests;

	 * Set the value related to the column: NUMBER_OF_GUESTS
	 * @param numberOfGuests the NUMBER_OF_GUESTS value
	public void setNumberOfGuests (java.lang.Integer numberOfGuests) {
		this.numberOfGuests = numberOfGuests;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: STATUS
	public java.lang.String getStatus () {
					return status;

	 * Set the value related to the column: STATUS
	 * @param status the STATUS value
	public void setStatus (java.lang.String status) {
		this.status = status;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: IS_TAX_EXEMPT
	public java.lang.Boolean isTaxExempt () {
								return taxExempt == null ? Boolean.FALSE : taxExempt;

	 * Set the value related to the column: IS_TAX_EXEMPT
	 * @param taxExempt the IS_TAX_EXEMPT value
	public void setTaxExempt (java.lang.Boolean taxExempt) {
		this.taxExempt = taxExempt;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: IS_RE_OPENED
	public java.lang.Boolean isReOpened () {
								return reOpened == null ? Boolean.FALSE : reOpened;

	 * Set the value related to the column: IS_RE_OPENED
	 * @param reOpened the IS_RE_OPENED value
	public void setReOpened (java.lang.Boolean reOpened) {
		this.reOpened = reOpened;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: SERVICE_CHARGE
	public java.lang.Double getServiceCharge () {
									return serviceCharge == null ? Double.valueOf(0) : serviceCharge;

	 * Set the value related to the column: SERVICE_CHARGE
	 * @param serviceCharge the SERVICE_CHARGE value
	public void setServiceCharge (java.lang.Double serviceCharge) {
		this.serviceCharge = serviceCharge;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: DELIVERY_CHARGE
	public java.lang.Double getDeliveryCharge () {
									return deliveryCharge == null ? Double.valueOf(0) : deliveryCharge;

	 * Set the value related to the column: DELIVERY_CHARGE
	 * @param deliveryCharge the DELIVERY_CHARGE value
	public void setDeliveryCharge (java.lang.Double deliveryCharge) {
		this.deliveryCharge = deliveryCharge;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: DELIVERY_ADDRESS
	public java.lang.String getDeliveryAddress () {
					return deliveryAddress;

	 * Set the value related to the column: DELIVERY_ADDRESS
	 * @param deliveryAddress the DELIVERY_ADDRESS value
	public void setDeliveryAddress (java.lang.String deliveryAddress) {
		this.deliveryAddress = deliveryAddress;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: CUSTOMER_PICKEUP
	public java.lang.Boolean isCustomerWillPickup () {
								return customerWillPickup == null ? Boolean.FALSE : customerWillPickup;

	 * Set the value related to the column: CUSTOMER_PICKEUP
	 * @param customerWillPickup the CUSTOMER_PICKEUP value
	public void setCustomerWillPickup (java.lang.Boolean customerWillPickup) {
		this.customerWillPickup = customerWillPickup;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: DELIVERY_EXTRA_INFO
	public java.lang.String getExtraDeliveryInfo () {
					return extraDeliveryInfo;

	 * Set the value related to the column: DELIVERY_EXTRA_INFO
	 * @param extraDeliveryInfo the DELIVERY_EXTRA_INFO value
	public void setExtraDeliveryInfo (java.lang.String extraDeliveryInfo) {
		this.extraDeliveryInfo = extraDeliveryInfo;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: TICKET_TYPE
	public java.lang.String getTicketType () {
					return ticketType;

	 * Set the value related to the column: TICKET_TYPE
	 * @param ticketType the TICKET_TYPE value
	public void setTicketType (java.lang.String ticketType) {
		this.ticketType = ticketType;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: SHIFT_ID
	public com.floreantpos.model.Shift getShift () {
					return shift;

	 * Set the value related to the column: SHIFT_ID
	 * @param shift the SHIFT_ID value
	public void setShift (com.floreantpos.model.Shift shift) {
		this.shift = shift;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: OWNER_ID
	public com.floreantpos.model.User getOwner () {
					return owner;

	 * Set the value related to the column: OWNER_ID
	 * @param owner the OWNER_ID value
	public void setOwner (com.floreantpos.model.User owner) {
		this.owner = owner;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: DRIVER_ID
	public com.floreantpos.model.User getAssignedDriver () {
					return assignedDriver;

	 * Set the value related to the column: DRIVER_ID
	 * @param assignedDriver the DRIVER_ID value
	public void setAssignedDriver (com.floreantpos.model.User assignedDriver) {
		this.assignedDriver = assignedDriver;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: GRATUITY_ID
	public com.floreantpos.model.Gratuity getGratuity () {
					return gratuity;

	 * Set the value related to the column: GRATUITY_ID
	 * @param gratuity the GRATUITY_ID value
	public void setGratuity (com.floreantpos.model.Gratuity gratuity) {
		this.gratuity = gratuity;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: VOID_BY_USER
	public com.floreantpos.model.User getVoidedBy () {
					return voidedBy;

	 * Set the value related to the column: VOID_BY_USER
	 * @param voidedBy the VOID_BY_USER value
	public void setVoidedBy (com.floreantpos.model.User voidedBy) {
		this.voidedBy = voidedBy;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: TERMINAL_ID
	public com.floreantpos.model.Terminal getTerminal () {
					return terminal;

	 * Set the value related to the column: TERMINAL_ID
	 * @param terminal the TERMINAL_ID value
	public void setTerminal (com.floreantpos.model.Terminal terminal) {
		this.terminal = terminal;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: properties
	public java.util.Map<String, String> getProperties () {
					return properties;

	 * Set the value related to the column: properties
	 * @param properties the properties value
	public void setProperties (java.util.Map<String, String> properties) {
		this.properties = properties;

	 * Return the value associated with the column: ticketItems
	public java.util.List<com.floreantpos.model.TicketItem> getTicketItems () {
					return ticketItems;

	 * Set the value related to the column: ticketItems
	 * @param ticketItems the ticketItems value
	public void setTicketItems (java.util.List<com.floreantpos.model.TicketItem> ticketItems) {
		this.ticketItems = ticketItems;

	public void addToticketItems (com.floreantpos.model.TicketItem ticketItem) {
		if (null == getTicketItems()) setTicketItems(new java.util.ArrayList<com.floreantpos.model.TicketItem>());

	 * Return the value associated with the column: couponAndDiscounts
	public java.util.List<com.floreantpos.model.TicketCouponAndDiscount> getCouponAndDiscounts () {
					return couponAndDiscounts;

	 * Set the value related to the column: couponAndDiscounts
	 * @param couponAndDiscounts the couponAndDiscounts value
	public void setCouponAndDiscounts (java.util.List<com.floreantpos.model.TicketCouponAndDiscount> couponAndDiscounts) {
		this.couponAndDiscounts = couponAndDiscounts;

	public void addTocouponAndDiscounts (com.floreantpos.model.TicketCouponAndDiscount ticketCouponAndDiscount) {
		if (null == getCouponAndDiscounts()) setCouponAndDiscounts(new java.util.ArrayList<com.floreantpos.model.TicketCouponAndDiscount>());

	 * Return the value associated with the column: transactions
	public java.util.Set<com.floreantpos.model.PosTransaction> getTransactions () {
					return transactions;

	 * Set the value related to the column: transactions
	 * @param transactions the transactions value
	public void setTransactions (java.util.Set<com.floreantpos.model.PosTransaction> transactions) {
		this.transactions = transactions;

	public void addTotransactions (com.floreantpos.model.PosTransaction posTransaction) {
		if (null == getTransactions()) setTransactions(new java.util.TreeSet<com.floreantpos.model.PosTransaction>());

	 * Return the value associated with the column: tableNumbers
	public java.util.List<Integer> getTableNumbers () {
					return tableNumbers;

	 * Set the value related to the column: tableNumbers
	 * @param tableNumbers the tableNumbers value
	public void setTableNumbers (java.util.List<Integer> tableNumbers) {
		this.tableNumbers = tableNumbers;

	public boolean equals (Object obj) {
		if (null == obj) return false;
		if (!(obj instanceof com.floreantpos.model.Ticket)) return false;
		else {
			com.floreantpos.model.Ticket ticket = (com.floreantpos.model.Ticket) obj;
			if (null == this.getId() || null == ticket.getId()) return false;
			else return (this.getId().equals(ticket.getId()));

	public int hashCode () {
		if (Integer.MIN_VALUE == this.hashCode) {
			if (null == this.getId()) return super.hashCode();
			else {
				String hashStr = this.getClass().getName() + ":" + this.getId().hashCode(); //$NON-NLS-1$
				this.hashCode = hashStr.hashCode();
		return this.hashCode;

	public int compareTo (Object obj) {
		if (obj.hashCode() > hashCode()) return 1;
		else if (obj.hashCode() < hashCode()) return -1;
		else return 0;

	public String toString () {
		return super.toString();


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